Peripheral nerves carry information to and from your limbs to the spinal cord. Nerves supply all parts of your body.
- Sensory nerves carry sensations of touch, heat, cold and pain.
- Motor nerves supply muscles.
- Autonomic nerves supply organs and glands and help control body functions which are not under conscious control, such as sweating, breathing, heart beat and blood pressure.
Neuropathy is a medical term which means disease to the peripheral nerves.
The symptoms of neuropathy are varied and are dependant upon the type of nerve affected and where it is located.
Sensory neuropathy may cause numbness, pain or burning in the area that is affected.
Motor neuropathy may cause muscle weakness, wasting or even twitching in the affected muscles.
Autonomic nervous damage may cause problems with the sweat glands, internal organs or maintaining blood pressure.
Balance is often affected in any type of neuropathy.
Neuropathy affects the longest nerves first. In practice this means that the feet are affected first, and the symptoms gradually move up the legs. The fingers and hands are affected later than the feet as the nerves which supply them are shorter.
There are many causes of neuropathy. Around 50% of the time a cause is not able to be confirmed.
The known causes include:
- Most common is Diabetes.
- Alcohol overuse is the next most common cause.
- Some drugs, particularly chemotherapy (cancer) drugs.
- Kidney disease.
- Certain inflammatory and connective tissue disorders.
- Vitamin deficiencies, such as B12.
- Some inherited conditions.
There are no medications which heal nerve damage once it has occurred. Treatment of neuropathy involves determining then treating the cause. Usually the neuropathy will not be cured, however it may be possible to slow the progression of the disease.
- Diabetic neuropathy: maintaining good blood sugar control may slow the progression of the neuropathy.
- Alcoholic neuropathy: reducing or ceasing alcohol intake may slow progression.
- If pain is a problem, there are medications which can treat nerve pain, including over the counter capsaicin cream (Zostrix)
If you have impaired sensation(numbness) you should take care that you do not injure your feet. You may not be aware of an injury and ulcers or infection may follow. This is particularly important for people with Diabetes. It is recommended that you wear shoes (not thongs) and avoid going barefoot.
If you have weakness in the foot or ankle then you should not wear thongs, as they can cause you to trip.
Be aware if you have balance problems associated with your neuropathy as this can cause falls.